
The company has been in business for more than 100 years, starting with the production of paper in the 1850s and evolving into a leader in mobile and location services that connects more than 1.5 billion people today. This always transformed resources into useful products – from rubber and paper, to electronics and mobile devices – and today’s resource is data.

Goal is to bring the world to the third phase of mobility: leveraging digital data to make it easier to navigate the physical world. To achieve this goal, Nokia needed to find a technology solution that would support the collection, storage and analysis of virtually unlimited data types and volumes.


Effective collection and use of data has become central to this company ability to understand and improve users’ experiences with their phones and other location products. “This differentiates itself based on the data we have,”. The company leverages data processing and complex analyses in order to build maps with predictive traffic and layered elevation models, to source information about points of interest around the world, to understand the quality of phones, and more.

Our Involvement

To grow and support its extensive use of Big Data, the company relies on a technology ecosystem that includes a Teradata enterprise data warehouse (EDW), numerous Oracle and MySQL data marts, visualization technologies, and at its core: Hadoop. Prior to deploying Hadoop, numerous groups within the company were building application silos to accommodate their individual needs.

It didn’t take long before the company realized it could derive greater value from its collective data sets if these application silos could be integrated, enabling all globally captured data to be cross-referenced for a single, comprehensive version of truth. “We were inventorying all of our applications and data sets,”. “Our goal was to end up with a single data asset.”

Technologies used


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